Taica Corporation
Quality Policy

To promote a global management approach, Taica will:

1. Strive to be a one-of-a-kind presence in the market.

  • - We are a research and development company that will continuously expand and diversify.
  • - We will pursue research and development focused on independence, with an international perspective.
  • - We will develop technology that meets both the market’s and customers’ needs.
  • - We will also consider the effective use of outsourcing when making management decisions.

2. Create a workplace that encourages self-actualization.

  • - We will create an easy-going work atmosphere that fosters spontaneous ingenuity.
  • - We will utilize global talent while placing the right people in the right positions.
  • - We will provide resources for the development of skills applicable on a global stage.

3. Aim to be loved by all

  • - We will fulfil our Corporate Social Responsibility.
    (This includes harmony with the environment, compliance with all laws and regulations, understanding our stakeholders’ needs, analysis and evaluation of risk, protecting employees’ health and safety, internal control, information management, etc.)

In order to achieve the goals laid out in this Quality Policy, Taica will continuously improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System while always seeking to improve our quality.
